I am offering a three year Healing School, consisting of four modules per year. The school is designed for anyone, especially those in the helping professions, who have a desire to learn about Chakra Healing and possibly use it to help others. During the 1st year, participants work on their own healing and in the 2nd year, they learn the skills of Chakra Healing. Modules are held over a long weekend four times each year. A 3rd year of Post Graduate studies is offered for one day every four months to enable students to learn advanced skills and to practice with other graduates. Texas Licensed Professional Counselors CEU credits are offered during the first two years. The curriculum includes Dr. Davies' workbook- "The 7 Healing Chakras" and Anodea Judith's "Eastern Body, Western Mind." Participants will learn about the seven major chakras and many minor ones through lectures, small group process, and experiential exercises. Included are gentle yoga sessions, wonderful healthy meals, and activities pertaining to each chakra.

Integrated Healing School
Integrated Healing School
Integrated Healing School

The present school is held at various locations between Houston and Brenham, Texas.


8:00-9:00am- Yoga pertaining to the chakra we are studying with registered yoga instructor

9:00-10:00- Breakfast in the dining room together. Participants bring healthy meals to share with each other. 

10:00-12:00- First group of the day- Making the sacred circle, guided visualization, group process. First lecture on the Root chakra. Learning how to protect and ground.

12:00-1:00- Lunch all together in the dining room.

1:00-5:00- Second group of the day-Group process- sharing from their workbooks on what happened during that chakra’s development. We have regular breaks throughout the day to go outside and be in nature.

5:00-6:00- Dinner.

6:00-8:00- Drumming or other activity related to that chakra. Closing meditation. 

The present school is on hiatus for the time being. Please contact me for more information.

“And the time came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” 
- Anais Nin